Protocol for Riverine Microplastics Monitoring

Protocol for Riverine Microplastics Monitoring

With a recent study identified the Mekong River as one of ten rivers to contribute over 90% of plastic debris to the world’s marine environment, there is an urgent need for a reliable data and information on riverine plastic debris pollution and their impacts to the aquatic environment of Mekong River.  This Protocol for Riverine Microplastic Monitoring has been developed and finalized as one of three protocols of the MRC’s Detailed Methodology for the Long-term and Cost-effective Monitoring of Riverine Plastic Debris Pollution in the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB).  The finalization of the detailed methodology was made possible through the concerted efforts and commitment of the MRC Member Countries and support of experts at national, regional and global levels, and included rigorous processes of consultations, capacity building, and piloting to ensure that the methodology is adapted to the situation of the LMB.  The methodology aims to provide the much-needed data and information for an improved knowledge and understanding on the pathway and behaviors of plastic debris pollution in the LMB, from land-based sources to riverine environment, and ultimately to the marine environment.  Information derived from the long-term implementation of methodology can be used to assess the effectiveness of plastic waste management the LMB.

Publication Date
MRC Secretariat
Open Access
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P-RMM.pdf 1.93 MB Download


Cite as

MRC. (2022). Proceedings of the 1st ASEAN-MRC Water Security Dialogue: Solutions for a Changing Region. Vientiane: MRC Secretariat.

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© 2024 Mekong River Commission

Mr. Yasunobu Matoba

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Dr. Olivier Cogels

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Kristensen Joern

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Jeremy Douglas BIRD

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Hans Joakim GUTTMAN

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Pham Tuan Phan

First Riparian Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat

Dr. An Pich Hatda

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat