
Governance and Organisational Structure

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) consists of three permanent bodies: the MRC Council, the MRC Joint Committee, and the MRC Secretariat. The MRC Summit takes place every four years.

Summit of Heads of Government

The four-yearly MRC Summit of Heads of Government, first organised in 2010, is the highest political forum of the MRC whereby outcomes of cooperation are assessed, and directions set for the following four years. The fourth Summit in 2022 is an important milestone for the MRC to assess the direction of its work and support to the Member Countries.

Council of Ministers

As the highest decision-making body in the MRC, the Council approves the MRC Strategic Plan (SP) and makes decisions on all policy-related matters concerning its implementation, including organisational policies, basin-wide strategies and plans, strategic cooperation partnerships, and resolution of differences. The Council provides strategic guidance on priority setting, including by approving the multi-year work plans, including annual budgets, based on endorsement from the Joint Committee and the recommendation of the Budget Committee.

Joint Committee

In coordinating the implementation of the Council’s decisions, the Joint Committee (JC) steers the implementation of the MRC SP. This role includes technical priority setting and guidance on delivery of activities as well as reviewing and endorsing policy-related resolutions for submission to the Council for approval. The Joint Committee provides guidance on the preparation of the multi-year work plans, including the definition of activities and allocation of annual budgets.

The JC is assisted by task forces, working groups, committees, expert groups that provide technical input and advice on institutional, technical and policy related issues. The Budget Committee advises the JC on work plan and budgetary matters. The Audit Committee independently oversees the internal and financial control of the MRC and reports to the JC. As senior officials in their respective countries, Joint Committee members also have extensive networks which need to be mobilised to advance the MRC’s aims. The CEO works closely with Committee members in this regard.

The JC is assisted by task forces, working groups, committees, expert groups that provide technical input and advice on institutional, technical and policy related issues. The Budget Committee advises the JC on work plan and budgetary matters. The Audit Committee independently oversees the internal and financial control of the MRC and reports to the JC. As senior officials in their respective countries, Joint Committee members also have extensive networks which need to be mobilised to advance the MRC’s aims. The CEO works closely with Committee members in this regard.


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