The 9th MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum

Background information
Since 2016, the MRC has organised the Regional Stakeholder Forum (RSF) every year to share information and address interests and concerns of regional stakeholders on reasonable and equitable use of water related resources in the Mekong River Basin. The RSF attempts to address mutual interests and concerns of both internal, the governments of the MRC Member Countries, and external stakeholders, non-government organisations (NGOs), the private sector, media, partners, and other interested groups. The RSF serves as a platform for the Member Countries and other relevant stakeholders to share information, and discuss, provide and exchange views and develop recommendations on the reasonable and equitable use of water and related resources in the lower Mekong Basin.
Following the 8th MRC RSF that held in November 2019, the 9th MRC RSF is a platform for multi-stakeholders to continue engaging with MRC’s ongoing key works.
This two-day 9th RSF focuses on (1) PNPCAP for the proposed Luang Prabang hydropower project and (2) preparation of MRC Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030.
Forum objectives
Day 1, the 2nd Regional Information Sharing & Consultation on Prior Consultation process for the proposed Luang Prabang Hydropower Project is to
- update and follow-up on previous discussion
- present key findings of the Technical Review Report
- solicit further recommendations for the MRC Joint Committee (JC)
- discuss the way forward for the Luang Prabang PNPCA Priori Consultation process and any post-consultation engagement plans
Day 2, progress on the preparation of the BDS 2021-2030 and the emerging SP 2021-2025, is to:
- discuss the draft BDS 2021-2030 and emerging MRC SP 2021-2025 including strategic priorities and outcomes toward 2030, and outputs toward 2025 as well as cooperation mechanisms and processes
- exchange with other actors/stakeholders on how they can contribute to and will be integrated in the implementation of the new BDS 2021-2030
Site visit to Xayaburi dam on 7 February 2020
In consideration of public’s interest in cascade management and in supporting of the discussion of the 2nd Regional Consultation on LPBHPP, the MRC Secretariat in coordination with Government of Lao PDR will organize a site visit to Xayaburi dam on 7 February 2020, for interested participants and media. The visit to Xayaburi is to understand the operations of Xayaburi hydropower dam, that being operated by the same engineering team for the Luang Prabang project. The stakeholders can experience run-of-river hydropower model at Xayaburi and have in-the-field discussion with the technical team on hydraulics, sediment flashing, fisheries, navigation and dam safety.
Due to space limit and to have quality discussion, the number of participants will be limited to 50 people, based on first come first served basis. Please let us know your interest by filling this online registration form.
The forum is free of charge and open to all interested participants including
- MRC Member Countries
- MRC Development Partners
- MRC Dialogue Partners
- Research Institutes and Universities
- Other river basin organizations
- Civil society organizations and NGOs
- Local authorities and communities
- Private sector and companies
- Other interested groups
Date and venue
5-6 February 2020
Pullman Hotel, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR
This Admin Note provides participants with some useful information on transportation and accommodation.
Publication display
Throughout the forum, there will be publication display on related topics. Other organizations are invited to display their work and experience. For further information and arrangement, please contact our colleague, Ms. Le Thi Huong Lien at
Financial support
A limited financial support is available to assist participants from civil society and community-based organizations. The support will cover air ticket, accommodation and pocket money to cover ground transportation and meals.
In case you request for financial support, please provide information on the online registration form by 23 January 2020.
Please register by completing this online registration form. The deadline for registration is 26 January 2020.
Concept note and Agenda
Online Stakeholder Comment Box
We have online stakeholder comment box to collect comments from stakeholders. The submitted comments will being proceed in the forum, we therefore would like to encourage participants / stakeholders to send us your advanced comments via this online box. All comments can be identified or anonymous.
QR Code and Links for documents & PPTs
1. Summary of draft Technical Review Report – Summary TRR in Khmer – Tóm tắt báo cáo thẩm định kỹ thuật
2. Draft Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030
3. Comment matrix on Luang Prabang Hydropower Project Consultation
4. Comments and responses on 05 dimensions in the new Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030
5. 2021-2030 BDS’s result chain
DAY 1. 2nd Regional Information Sharing and Consultation on Prior Consultation Process for LPHPP
0. Day 1 – Combined PPTs
1. Recap of the 8th Regional Stakeholder Forum
2. Overview and progress with the PNPCA Prior Consultation process
3. National Information Sharing & Consultation: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam
4. Draft Technical Review Report: Overview – Hydrology and Hydraulics – Sediments and River Morphology – Environment & Water Quality & Fisheries – Dam safety & Navigation & Socioeconomics
5. Parallel discussions: (1) Hydrology & Hydraulics and Sediments & River Morphology & Dam safety & Navigation – (2) Environment and Fisheries & Socioeconomics
6. Recap & next steps
DAY 2. Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030 and Strategic Plan 2021-2025
0. Day 2 – Combined PPTs
1. Forum Objectives
2. Recap on the overall strategic planning, monitoring and reporting framework
3. Lessons learned from the current BDS and approach to preparing the BDS 2021-2030 and SP 2021-2025
4. Overview of the draft BDS 2021-2030 & MRC Strategic Plan
5. Basin Vision to 2040 and results chain to 2030
6. Parallel discussions: (1) Environment Dimension & Climate Change Dimension – (2) Social Dimension & Economic Dimension – (3) Cooperation Dimension
7. Overview of BDS implementation arrangement
8. Summary of perspectives, inputs and next steps for the BDS 2021-2030 & SP 2021-2025
Day 1.
Welcome remarks & Opening remarks & Forum objectives & Recap of 8th RSF & Overview and progress with the PNPCA Prior Consultation process & Reports of national consultation meeting: Cambodia
Reports of national consultation meetings: Cambodia, Thailand and Viet Nam
Introduction of Luang Praabang Hydropower project & Draft Technical Review Report for the Luang Prabang project: overview, hydrology, sediment
Draft Technical Review Report for the Luang Prabang project: Sediment
Draft Technical Review Report for the Luang Prabang project: Water quality & ecological health & Dam safety & navigation & socio-economics
Report back on key comments and recommendations & Reflection on the feedbacks by Lao PDR/ developer, by MRC Secretariat and notified countries & Recap of overall key points and next steps for prior consultation process for Luang Prabang Hydropower Project
Day 2.
Forum introduction & objectives
Recap on the overall strategic planning, monitoring and reporting framework & Lessons learned from the current BDS and approach to preparing the BDS
2021-2030 and SP 2021-2025 & Overview of the draft BDS 2021-2030
Basin development strategy results chain
Report back from group discussions and plenary discussion & Reflection panel of stakeholders on what need and how to deliver the Outcomes and Outputs in each of the 5 dimensions
Overview of Basin Development Strategy implementation arrangements & Summary of perspectives, inputs and next steps for the Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030 & Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Closing remarks
MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum – Forum Survey
MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum #9 – Forum Report
Contact points
For logistics
Ms. Soukouman Viravong
Administration Assistant
Mekong River Commission Secretariat at Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: + 856 21 263 263, ext. 4003
For publication display
Ms. Le Thi Huong Lien
Communication Officer
Mekong River Commission Secretariat at Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 21 263 263, ext. 4012
Mobile: +856 20 7777 9168
For participation and sponsorship
Ms. Duong Hai Nhu
Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
Tel: +856 21 263 263 ext. 4011
Mekong River Commission Secretariat at Vientiane, Lao PDR