Publications related to Glossaries

Photos of Common Fishes in the Lower Mekong River Basin

This document is the updated photo book of existing fish species that can be found in the Mekong River. It acts as a tool for local fishermen to generate standardised fish catch records across the MRC Member Countries and contribute to nationally and regionally harmonised datasets.

Download | Published on : 20 Jun 2016 | Language : English

Glossary of Terms and Definitions on Climate Change and Adaptation (Khmer)

This glossary is intended to start working toward a common understanding for a core set of terms and concepts of climate change and adaptation relevant to the Mekong region facilitating to build national capacity of climate change knowledge, awareness and information.

Download | Published on : 19 Jul 2013 | Language : English

Glossary of Terms and Definitions on Climate Change and Adaptation (Laotian)

This glossary is intended to start working toward a common understanding for a core set of terms and concepts of climate change and adaptation relevant to the Mekong region facilitating to build national capacity of climate change knowledge, awareness and information.

Download | Published on : 16 Jul 2013 | Language : English

Glossary of Terms and Definitions on Climate Change and Adaptation (Vietnamese)

This glossary is intended to start working toward a common understanding for a core set of terms and concepts of climate change and adaptation relevant to the Mekong region facilitating to build national capacity of climate change knowledge, awareness and information.

Download | Published on : 16 Jul 2013 | Language : English

Glossary of Terms and Definitions on Climate Change and Adaptation (Thai)

This glossary is intended to start working toward a common understanding for a core set of terms and concepts of climate change and adaptation relevant to the Mekong region facilitating to build national capacity of climate change knowledge, awareness and information.

Download | Published on : 16 Jul 2013 | Language : English

Glossary of Terms and Definitions on Climate Change and Adaptation

This glossary is intended to start working toward a common understanding for a core set of terms and concepts of climate change and adaptation relevant to the Mekong region facilitating to build national capacity of climate change knowledge, awareness and information.

Download | Published on : 16 Jul 2013 | Language : English

© 2024 Mekong River Commission

Mr. Yasunobu Matoba

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Dr. Olivier Cogels

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Kristensen Joern

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Jeremy Douglas BIRD

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Hans Joakim GUTTMAN

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat 

Mr. Pham Tuan Phan

First Riparian Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat

Dr. An Pich Hatda

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat