Forum Overview

The 14th MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum (RSF) is a platform where stakeholders can stay updated on the latest developments concerning the Mekong River—which is vital to millions of people in the region.

Scheduled for 12 June 2024, in Vientiane, Lao PDR, the 14th RSF focused on the theme of information sharing for transparency and trust, carrying on from the 13th RSF. Attendees received updates on various hydropower projects that have undergone the MRC’s consultation process. The event also included the official launch of the Mekong State of the Basin Report (SOBR) 2023 and a preview of the eagerly awaited MRC Mobile App.

Date and Venue 

The 14th RSF took place on 12 June 2024, at the Landmark Hotel, in Vientiane, Lao PDR.


Topic and context

At the 14th RSF, the SOBR 2023 took the center stage. This report offers attendees insights into the current state of the Mekong River Basin, highlighting key challenges and suggesting measures for improving the basin’s health.

Produced by the MRC, the SOBR addresses five crucial areas: environmental, social, and economic conditions; climate change; and cooperation in the Mekong River Basin. It’s released every five years, compiling data and information to provide an accurate snapshot of the current state of affairs and trends within the Mekong River Basin. This edition marks the fourth report in the series.

The SOBR evaluates basin conditions and the impacts of water and natural resource development, both positive and negative. It aims to track changes resulting from the cooperation outlined in the 1995 Mekong Agreement. Moreover, it identifies significant issues and development opportunities for Member Countries. Ultimately, the report serves as a foundation for discussions among the four core members and other stakeholders, guiding actions for optimal and sustainable basin development in line with the MRC’s goals.


Developed to support the information sharing of MRC Core River Monitoring Network (CRMN) functions, the app covers a wide array of essential areas including water quality, hydrology, sediment, environmental health, fisheries, climate, hydropower operations, and flood and drought monitoring and forecasting.

The MRC Mobile App offers an interactive user interface for reporting and accessing information on MRC’s CRMN. Using a One Map Concept, it allows users to customize layers according to their preferences and correlate remote sensing and ground data seamlessly. Its iReport feature encourages community-based early warning systems, enabling citizens to share incidents related to flood, drought, and livelihood with photos, pin locations, and detailed comments. With push and alert notifications, users will stay informed about warnings for floods, droughts, and other weather conditions. Moreover, the app will grant users access to live CCTV cameras at various monitoring stations and even include an AI chatbot for data queries specific to the Mekong River Basin and its functionalities.

Users will find it on both Android and iOS platforms, ready for download from the Google Play Store and the App Store.


Among the highlights of the 14th RSF were updates on four hydropower projects, three of which are situated along the Mekong mainstream. These projects included:

  • Pak Beng hydropower project
  • Pak Lay hydropower project
  • Extension of the Don Sahong hydropower project
  • Sekong A hydropower project (transboundary environmental impact assessment)

Up to this point, the MRC has received some good updates on the project development, especially on how the developers of the Pak Beng and Pak Lay projects have addressed the MRC’s recommendations, as outlined in the respective Technical Review Reports. We have also got updates regarding the extension of the Don Sahong hydropower project, as well as the Sekong A hydropower project’s transboundary environmental impact assessment. All of these are of great interest of the stakeholders.
