

Mekong-Delta River Basins Water Resources Management Project

The Mekong-Delta is the world’s largest delta, covering approximately 55,000 km2 of fertile plain expanding from central Cambodia to southern Viet Nam. The MIWRM transboundary project is facilitating bilateral dialogue for the development of a coordinated approach and joint activities to achieve sustainable socio-economic development and improved livelihood in the region.

A short introduction to the Mekong IWRM Project

This is a short introduction to the Mekong IWRM Project funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Mekong River Commission. The project is to address transboundary water issues along the borders through dialogue among four Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The Procedures for Notification, Prior Consultation and Agreement

The educational video provides information about the MRC’s Procedures for Notification, Prior Consultation and Agreement: What it is and how is works.

Mekong Transboundary Dialogue

This video presents efforts made by four Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam to address transboundary water issues along the borders through dialogue.

Lao Mekong Pak Beng HPP Introduction Video

The Pak Beng hydropower project is proposed on the Mekong mainstream in the northern territory of Lao PDR. The run-of-river project with capacity of 912 MW and the average annual generation of 4,775 GWh is expected to produce power for domestic supply and export.

Mekong the Mother in English

Mekong the Mother is part of the Mekong River Commission’s on-going campaign to increase awareness of Mekong issues and the need for strong regional cooperation in order to manage natural resources for the population of 60 million living in the Mekong River Basin.

What is Climate Change?

MRC Environment Program’s Animation

Climate Change affects people living in the Mekong River Basin

MRC Environment Program’s Animation

Where there is water there is fish

Documentary film from MRC Fisheries Series, telling the story of the fisheries in the Tonle Sap Great Lake in the central floodplains of Cambodia.

The Mekong : River of Life

Documentary film from MRC Fisheries Series describing fisheries in the Mekong River basin in Thailand which provide an important source of food and income for the people of the region. This film documents the relationship between the people and their fisheries, describes challenges presently facing fisheries and resource managers and suggest ways to sustainably manage fisheries.


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