Annual Mekong Hydrology, Flood and Drought Report 2019: Drought in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Title
- Annual Mekong Hydrology, Flood and Drought Report 2019: Drought in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Author
- Abstract
This paper reports on the condition of the Basin in 2019, including its hydrology/water flow, flood and drought. The year saw recorded unprecedented flow conditions in the Mekong mainstream and from tributaries. Erratic climatic fluctuations were also found, ranging from extreme dry to extreme wet within short periods of time. The report ends with key recommendations, looking forward.
- Publication Date
- Publisher
- MRC Secretariat
- Categories
- Keywords
- Access
- Open Access
- Copyright
- License
- Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0
Cite as
MRC. (2022). Proceedings of the 1st ASEAN-MRC Water Security Dialogue: Solutions for a Changing Region. Vientiane: MRC Secretariat.