Main scenarios

M1: 2007 baseline = 2007 LMB tributary and China mainstream hydropower dams (Manwan and Dachaoshan only) + agricultural land use + irrigation schemes + waterway navigation + flood protection + domestic and industrial water use

M2: 2020 plans = 2020 LMB tributary, LMB mainstream (Xayaburi and Don Sahong only) and China mainstream hydropower projects (11 dams) + agricultural land use + irrigation schemes + waterway navigation + flood protection + domestic and industrial water use

M3: 2040 plans = 2040 LMB tributary, LMB mainstream (11 dams) and China mainstream hydropower projects (12 dams) + agricultural land use + irrigation schemes + waterway navigation + flood protection + domestic and industrial water use

M3CC: 2040 plans with climate change = 2040 LMB tributary, LMB mainstream (11 dams) and China mainstream hydropower projects (12 dams) + agricultural land use + irrigation schemes + waterway navigation + flood protection + domestic and industrial water use + mean wetter and drier climate and sea level rise


of the main M3: 2040 scenario

H1a: 2040 plans with climate change, but 2007 dam situation

H1b: 2040 plans with climate change, LMB tributary and Chinese mainstream dams, but no LMB mainstream dams

H3: 2040 plans with climate change, mitigation measures and joint operation of key dams

A1: 2040 plans with climate change, but 2007 agricultural land use conditions

A2: 2040 plans with climate change and maximum level of agricultural land expansion

I1: 2040 plans with climate change, but 2007 irrigation infrastructure

I2: 2040 plans with climate change and maximum level of irrigation development

F1: 2040 plans with climate change, but 2007 flood and bank protection infrastructure

F2: 2040 plans with climate change, urban flood protection at 1:100 ARP (100 year return period) and floodplain management at 1:20 ARP

F3: 2040 plans with climate change and joint operation of key dams for flood management and protection

C2: 2040 plans with wetter climate and sea level rise

C3: 2040 plans with drier climate and sea level rise

Hydropower development in the Mekong River Basin under the main scenarios* and the Mekong impact corridor

* Based on overall list of dams considered for Council Study modelling and scenario assessments.

The Mekong impact corridor covers:

① the 15 km corridor on both sides of the Mekong mainstream from the Chinese border to the Viet Nam border downstream of Kratie, Cambodia,

② the Cambodian floodplains including the Tonle Sap River and Great Lake,

③ the Mekong Delta in Cambodia and Viet Nam, and

④ the coastal areas directly influenced by the Mekong River.

User guidance: Please click on the M1:2007, M2:2020, M3:2040 buttons to see the respective hydropower development plan and place your cursor on the list of mainstream dams