
The Completion Report covers the key achievements of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in implementing the Strategic Plan 2016–2020 (SP 2016–2020), which identified four key result areas, seven outcomes, 44 outputs, 169 activities to be implemented during its five-year period. The MRC’s implementation of the SP 2016–2020 through its Annual Work Plans (AWPs) over 2016–2020, resulted in the completion or near completion of most of the planned outputs, 23 of which were completed, 15 were not completed or incomplete, and 6 were discontinued. The 15 incomplete outputs were mostly nearly completed with completion rates at or above 90%.

↓ Scroll down to view the Strategic Plan 2016-2020

Figure 2. Completion rate of MRC SP 2016–2020 outputs and disbursement rate for five years

In summary, the overall percent of work completed per outcome ranges from 41% (i.e. Outcome 1) to 98% (i.e. Outcome 2). The overall percent of output indicators achieved per outcome ranges from 46% (i.e. Outcome 3) to 78% (i.e. Outcomes 4 and 7).

The overall percent disbursement per outcome ranges from 49% (i.e. Outcomes 4 and 6) to 71% (i.e. Outcome 5). Based on the value for money (VfM) analysis, 45% of the outputs proved to be high VfM for the MRC, 29% were cost-effective, 18% needed additional interventions to achieve their intended outcomes and potentially become high VfM outputs, and 8% (i.e. two outputs) were rated low VfM.

Among the seven outcomes, Outcomes 4, 5, and 7 produced the highest percentage of outputs with high VfM. Overall, these outcomes (Outcomes 4, 5, and 7) were assessed as achieved, the remaining four outcomes (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 6) were assessed as partially achieved (see Figure E1).

Figure E1. Achievements of outcomes and their rating

Figure 6. The MRC's efforts and achievements under SP 2016-2020 in contributing to the SDG Targets

The implementation of the MRC SP 2016–2020 to complete the outputs and achieve the desired outcomes for the Basin is consistent with, and therefore contributes to, the achievement in the Mekong region of the SDGs. Figure 6 illustrates in details the linkages between the MRC’s outcomes and outputs, and the SDGs and relevant targets.